"Art at the service of a new humanity that restores value to beauty in a sustainable vision of the world".

The Culture of Beauty
The study of the classics led me from an early age to experience art through its many forms: dance, music, painting, and photography. To observe it as a testimony in movement, which does not stop at what it shows but is rather an expression of creative energy which uses emotions to manifest itself and become sound, shape, color, material, light but also poetry, and therefore word.
Art is a universal, intuitive language and has direct access to the intelligence of the heart. It can heal our body and mind. To educate, unite, and inspire.
Art is visible spirituality

Art is visible spirituality
Felicia Cigorescu is a creative director, curator, corporate social responsibility and corporate communications manager. She works with multinational companies, institutions, and the Ministry on projects aimed at building a more sustainable and conscious world through art and culture.
She graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Padua while delving into the first forms of art and its influence in the evolutionary history of man.
During her university years, she began working as a filmmaker and artistic director of advertising productions that act as a dialogue between Art and Business from the point of view of what she herself defines as “an emotional narration that tugs at the heartstrings”. She understands the need for organizations to make use of culture and beauty in corporate wellbeing, and she begins to collaborate with multinationals and institutions in the creation of dissemination events and projects inspired by the thought of Adriano Olivetti and the classics.
Thus she creates Beautiful Business, which supports companies and institutions in their process of social, cultural, and conscious transformation through the creation of documentaries, cultural events, trainings, and projects related to psychophysical well-being, safeguarding the planet, education, conscious culture and the creative economy, recognizing the role of art and beauty in the progress of humanity.
The values of Humanism can be transmitted and disseminated in all sectors, allowing profound transformations of the global economic systems of businesses and the territory, with the necessary attention to sustainability, creative processes, and soft skills at the center of production activities.
She is the coordinator and ambassador of the International Kindness Movement, a global network involving more than 350,000 people and spreading the value of Kindness validated by solid scientific research with social commitment in private and public sectors.
Director of “An Enlightened Mind” the documentary that explores the extraordinary effects of meditation on the mind through a dialogue with 18 illustrious voices from the world of art, science, and spirituality.
Founder and artistic director of CitArts, the festival that brings the arts to Italian cities to enhance their cultural prestige. Artistic director for three editions of Vioff, the off- cultural fair of Vicenza Oro (Italian Exhibition Group), which has seen the creation of international exhibitions and events that combine art with social issues.
In social art, she started the project on addictions “Open Game” with Ser.D, ULSS 6, and the Veneto Region; Arte x Vita, together with internationally renowned artists in defense and care of vulnerable subjects thanks to art.
In 2023, she founded “Sacra Woman”, which promotes a non-violent femininity through events that raise awareness and recognize the role of women as drivers of a new leadership based on awareness, with particular attention to gender equity, in line with the main goals of the UN Agenda 2030.
Felicia is a musician and painter, she speaks six languages, practices meditation and yoga; she is passionate about art and horses. Among her main research areas, we find neuroart, feminine energy, and heart intelligence. In 2023, at TEDx Asiago, she provides an analysis of the effects of art on our physical and mental health.

Taken from the “For/ Art” project for Trivellato Industriali, Mercedes Benz
For me, art, music, spirituality, the sacredness of the signs of the universe, and the investigation of ancient knowledge represent fertile grounds to explore a creative promotion that generates a form of beauty capable of celebrating nature, man, and love in the most authentic form of its being.
Among the main projects

For me, art, music, spirituality, the sacredness of the signs of the universe, and the investigation of ancient knowledge represent fertile grounds to explore a creative promotion that generates a form of beauty capable of celebrating nature, man, and love in the most authentic form of its being.
Among the main projects

Beautiful business
The Beautiful Business method conceived by Felicia Cigorescu uses the culture of beauty as a means of social transformation in companies, organizations, and public bodies, declined in ethical management linked to intuitive processes and the intelligence of the heart, combining economic responsibility with social responsibility that includes tangible and intangible values for the organization, people and the territory, with projects of: art, culture, economy, tourism, communication, education, environment, psychophysical well-being, and health.

Recent WHO research demonstrates how art can transform our body, our mind, and our behavior improving health and well-being. Art also increases business productivity, social cohesion, promotes cultural understanding, and raises personal happiness. The report includes more than 900 publications, including more than 200 reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and meta-syntheses based on more than 3,000 studies and more than 700 individual studies.
Art, therefore, takes off the mask of the “superfluous” to become a means of social transformation, healing our body and giving a sense of wonder and fulfillment to our lives. In this sense, art also becomes a real spiritual experience.
From the WHO Evidence Report on Arts and Health:
“The arts, therefore, in their different forms, are good for individual and collective health, and affect inequalities, creating inclusive social bonds and supporting the maturation of open and plural collective identities. The peculiarity of the arts is to create conditions that allow an “artistic feeling” that stimulates the reading of one’s own reality in a new light and with different perspectives. These can be a premise for an individual and collective action to transform reality.
The Arts and Culture are essential resources for building health – in the dimension of care, medical humanities, health promotion – and for the development of equity and social quality.”
Fancourt D, Finn S. What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2019 (Health Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report 67).
“Art x Life” is born
A profitable network of internationally renowned artists, healthcare facilities, and museums, with the sole purpose of putting art at the service of promoting life and research.
Art and Business
Art allows the company to provide an authentic image of itself.
Under the banner of universal artistic languages in which art dialogues with business and becomes an expression of values, ideas, progress, and vision.
The exact point where the creative economy touches impact investment.
Seen the significant global changes involving all groups of society, including businesses and organizations, new methods and strategies are being adopted that are often identified with the so-called soft skills and pay attention to relational and personal factors such as:
trust, empathy, vulnerability, cohesion, creativity, and intuition.
As companies become increasingly linked to authentic and human values and give space to emotions, the leaders and managers who will make a difference in the economic and social development of society will be those who understand and integrate the importance of the creative economy and art in the workplace.
“The evolution of the relationship between art and business has allowed the latter to discover the qualities of the former thanks to a real cultural influence on the society in which it operates.”

Give”, Lorenzo Quinn – For Vioff, Palazzo Chiericati, Vicenza
The cultural “consumption” of beauty is given by the need of contemporary man to go beyond needs and basic necessities. Today’s more aware consumers are no longer oriented towards buying mere material goods, but experiences and emotions, to feed their highest nature. Therefore, the creation of new social values and new economies no longer depends only on aseptic algorithms and linear strategies, but on people’s experiences, emotions, ideas, and creativity.
“In this context, art can facilitate profound transformations in the economic sphere and combine qualities such as empathy, forgiveness, kindness, and optimism, for a collaboration between individuals aimed at the progress of humanity”.
Corporate social responsibility
The distinctive element of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR) is an ethical management of the company projected into the future, combining corporate economic responsibility with social commitment that creates Tangible and Intangible Values for the company, the people, the territory, and the environment. The entrepreneurial activity shows strong attention to the needs of the territory and respect for the environment, declining goals and actions in its specific reality, and engaging in environmental sustainability projects, social projects, and charitable activities.

An Enlightened Mind
Direction and production of “An Enlightened Mind” (An enlightened mind) a documentary that explores the extraordinary effects of meditation on the human mind through the testimony of eighteen illustrious voices from the world of art, science, and spirituality.
International experts from various disciplines, such as music, art, economics, biology, medicine, publishing, engineering, astronomy, and spirituality, gathered from Italy, the United States, Spain, and Australia to give life to enlightening dialogues and provide inspirational suggestions and pragmatic methods useful for disseminating millenary arts that are reflected in neuroscience and modern biological sciences, creating bridges between ancient knowledge and innovation.
Watch the trailer
The purpose of this revolutionary cinematic work is to awaken consciences and cast an anchor in the future. An encounter that is creative impulse, mental openness, and contamination with other forms of expression, thanks to the ability of meditation to stimulate the imaginative power, improve the state of health and well-being, communicate values and emotions, and facilitate relationships and connections between people, breaking down barriers and canceling borders and diversity.
At the service of this message, the music by Alessandro De Rosa, composer and biographer of Ennio Morricone, and minimalist photography, which puts the perfection of the details of the human body in dialogue with the genius contained in the great architecture, favor the meeting of science and spirituality with art. In this context, the MAXXI museum becomes a place of stylistic translation and fusion between word and silence, between solids and voids, between noise and stillness; place and non-place where what is inside us is reflected and which only an enlightened mind can reveal.
Check the backstage
A necessary act of vulnerability
“Opening my heart to vulnerability allowed me to enter into a deep connection with the people who took part in the documentary and whom I interviewed: a highly intimate dialogue of 18 voices. Feeling the others in listening and understanding without judgment was a truly intense experience. We lived the silence together and breathed the light. You know, light has a smell!
From the experience of the Maxxi Museum in Rome and the documentary, the format “Club delle Menti Illuminate” was born. It unites in dialogue enlightened minds from the fields of art, science, and spirituality, but also of the economy, music, and environment.
“We live in a time of social changes and profound transformations, in which the urgency to adopt new mental attitudes is making its way, in what is emerging as the new era of awareness. We are moving from the needs economy of the agricultural and then industrial era to today’s experience economy, which responds to the need for self-determination of the human being, engaged in the constant effort to create the image of what it would like to be and how it would like to be perceived by the rest of the world, also through the visual arts.”
Felicia Cigorescu, co-founder of the “Club of Enlightened Minds”

International Kindness Movement
Supervisor and ambassador of the International Kindness Movement – a non-religious and apolitical global movement that embraces organizations, businesses, institutions, and citizens in the dissemination of the “Biology of Values”, starting from the value of Kindness declined in concrete projects with high social and environmental impact with solid scientific foundations involving over 350,000 people.
The main areas of intervention are: Education – Health – Tourism – Environment – Culture – Economy – Justice

Kind Tourism
A new form of conscious tourism. The aware tourist is dedicated to kind and sustainable actions at 360°.
In “Kind” places, he comes into deep contact first of all with himself, thanks to paths of awareness made available by the International Kindness Movement, which allow him to relate to others and nature with renewed awareness.
“We want to bring a new form of tourism to the world: Kind Tourism, based on shared human values and respect for the environment and the ecosystem. The tourism of the future is destined to become a kind of tourism, which does not limit itself to giving back with awareness of what it benefits from but takes care of leaving the place visited better than how it was found.
International Kindness Movement proclaims the world’s first kind island

In April 2023, International Kindness Movement lands in the Maldives, and proclaims Nika Island the First Kind Island in the World, thus starting the “Kind Tourism” project with a series of kind initiatives related to well-being sciences and respect for the environment throughout the world.

Social art
In September 2020, Felicia Cigorescu presented herself in the Veneto region as the winner of the “Cambio Gioco”, financed according to the indications of the Ministry of Health and approved by the Veneto Region with the theatrical project “Partita Aperta” as part of the research on ludopathy aimed by Ser.D through a validated test on the global population.
The primary aim of the project is to integrate the resources of the public health and social health services with the potential of the other stakeholders, for the implementation in the territory of the ULSS 6 Euganea, of measures to reduce the negative impact of pathological gambling on the health status of the population. All through multiple and diversified actions of governance, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and research on the morbid manifestations of gambling.
Gambling represents a significant social problem, as also attested by the official data of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, according to which, in 2021, 67.17 billion euros were spent in Italy on online gaming (+36% compared to 2020). In 2019, 67% focused on the physical network. In 2021 the percentage collapsed to just under 40%, while telematic gaming exceeded 60%.
“Partita Aperta” brings the theme of gambling addiction to the stage with a pièce that describes the fall into the vortex of addiction from an emotional perspective. The moods and psychological mechanisms behind gambling, faced on stage, come from direct experiences gathered during meetings with the psychologist Chiara Pracucci and some former players.
I felt the desire and the duty to give back to the weakest segments of society what art has given me and I have asked many artist friends to join me on this journey of wholehearted service for a social transformation that uses the various forms of art (sculpture, painting, dance, performing arts, writing, architecture…) in the prevention and treatment of physical and mental illnesses. The result is “Arte x Vita” which brings together artists from all over the world in social projects for the protection, right, care, and enhancement of life.

In evidence

June 01, 2023
“Mens sana in corpore sano”
Presentation at Rimini Wellness, Italian Exhibition Group

September 30, 2023
“Light On” Enlightened Minds
June 3, 2023
“The first projects will be under the banner of Kind Tourism,” said the mayor during the ceremony for the proclamation and presentation of the book “28 Breaths to change your life” written by Daniel Lumera and published by Mondadori.
June 01, 2023
Italian Fitness Federation initiates a memorandum of understanding with the International Kindness Movement at Rimini Wellness (IEG) which focuses on the well-being of athletes.
“Our heart is a compass that guides us in the world”
I’ll tell you a little about myself
I believe that interconnection is a fundamental key in human evolution, in shared values that foster community, awareness, and a sense of brotherhood among all beings. I like to think I’m making my contribution to the enhancement and expression of talents of all ages, ethnicities, or backgrounds.
Write me your interconnection ideas: hello@feliciacigorescu.com